Legacy Society
What is the Legacy Society?
The Legacy Society is a group of individuals committed to securing the future of Senior Friendship Centers and improving the lives of older adults throughout the community for generations to come. Legacy Society members have indicated that Senior Friendship Centers is in their will or estate plan by completing a membership form. Joining this special group is easy: a conversation and a simple form are all you need to join the Legacy Society.
How can I join the Legacy Society?
We realize that many people who plan to support Senior Friendship Centers through their estate plan or will prefer to keep their intentions private. However, by letting us know of your plans, we can thank you during your life and confirm that we are able to fulfill your stated intentions. Please know that joining the Legacy Society is non-binding—we understand you may change your plans at any time. Also know that all information you share with us is kept strictly confidential. Our team can guide you through the process and help you understand your options. Call or email today to get started with joining the Legacy Society: Kathy Pappas, Development Officer, at 941-556-3253 or kpappas@friendshipcenters.org.